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martes, 18 de septiembre de 2012

Insertar juego "Torres de Hanoi" en una WEB

Hola desde hace un rato.

Vagando en la web buscando accesorios para una página, encontré el clásico juego de Hanoi en JavaScript y liberado precisamente para ser implementado en cualquier página y/o blog.
La cosa es muy sencilla, aquí van los pasos:


Descargamos unas imágenes que nos servirán para los discos y las torres del juego:

Descargar recursos

Descomprimimos la carpeta y subimos las imágenes a un servidor de alojamiento web; debe ser necesariamente de alojamiento web ya que TODAS las imágenes deben estar dentro del mismo directorio. Por ejemplo, yo usé y los subí al directorio ""


Lo siguiente es, en el cuerpo (body) de la página/blog se copia el siguiente código en donde editarán el valor de la variable imgdir por el de la dirección en la cual subiste las imágenes (Dejo los créditos y Copyright):

<!-- Original:  Adam Stock ( -->

<!-- (c) Copyright 1998-99 Adam L. Stock. All Rights Reserved -->
<!-- You have permission to republish this code provided -->
<!-- that you do not remove this copyright notice -->

// Cambia la dirección por la cual tú subiste las imágenes
imgdir = " ";

function preload() {
this.length = preload.arguments.length;
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
this[i] = new Image();
this[i].src = imgdir + preload.arguments[i];

var pics = new preload("disk1.gif","disk2.gif",
"disk7.gif","pole.gif", "disk1h.gif","disk2h.gif",

var selectedr = null;
var selectedc = null;
var maxposts = 3;
var maxdisks = 7;
var all_posts = 3;
var startpost = 1;
var endpost = (startpost-1 < 0 ? maxposts-1 : startpost-1);
var disks = 7;
var imgwidth = 160;
var imgheight = 14;
var game_is_over = false;
var show_messages = false;
var board = new Array(maxposts);
board[0] = new Array(maxdisks + 1);
board[1] = new Array(maxdisks + 1);
board[2] = new Array(maxdisks + 1);

function initboard(startpost, disks) {
var len = board[0].length;
selectedc = null;
selectedr = null;
game_is_over = false;
endpost = (startpost-1 < 0 ? maxposts-1 : startpost-1);

for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
board[0][i] = 0;
board[1][i] = 0;
board[2][i] = 0;
for (i = len-disks, j = 0; i < len; i++, j++) {
board[startpost][i] = len - j - 1;

function drawall() {
for (j=0; j<board.length; j++) {
for (i=0; i<board[j].length; i++) {
draw(j,i, getName( board[j][i]));
message("You may begin! Select a piece to move.");

function restart(start) {
startpost = start;
disks = document.forms[0].disc.options[document.forms[0].disc.selectedIndex].text;
theAnim = new Animation();
initboard(startpost, disks);

function getName( num ) {
if (num == 0) return "post.gif";
return "disk" + num + ".gif";

function message(str, force) {
if (force || !game_is_over && !show_messages)
document.disp.message.value = str;

function messageadd(str) {
if (!game_is_over)
document.disp.message.value = document.disp.message.value + "\n" + str;

function isempty(num) {
for (i = 0; i < board[num].length; i++) {
if ( board[num][i] != 0) return false;
return true;

function topmost(num) {
for (i = 0; i < board[num].length; i++) {
if (board[num][i] != 0) return  i;
return -1;

function ispost(i,j) {
return (board[j][i] == 0);

function istopdisk(i,j) {
return (board[j][i-1] == 0);

function drawboard() {
document.writeln("<h2>The Towers of Hanoi</h2><p>");
document.writeln("<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>");
for (j = 0; j < board.length; j++) {
document.write("<a href='javascript:clicked("+0+","+j+")'><img src='" + imgdir + "posttop.gif' border=0></a><br>");
for (i=0; i< board[0].length; i++) {
document.write("<a href='javascript:clicked("+i+","+j+")'>");
document.write("<img src='" + imgdir + getName(board[j][i]) + "' name='pos"+ j + i + "' border=0><br>");
document.write("<form name='disp'><textarea name='message' wrap=virtual rows=2 cols=40></textarea><br>" +
"Disks: <select name=\"disc\" size=1><option>3<option>4<option>5<option>6<option selected>7</select><input "
+"type=button value=\"Start the Game Over\" onClick=\"restart(startpost);\"><input "
+"type=button value=\"Solve It!\" onClick=\"restart(startpost);setTimeout('hanoi(disks,startpost,endpost)',300)\"></form>");

function draw(x,y,name) {
document.images["pos"+x+""+y].src = imgdir + name;

function animate(x,y,name) {
theAnim.addFrame( "pos"+x+""+y, imgdir + name);

function clicked(i,j) {
document.forms[0].message.focus(); // get rid of annoying outline in MSIE

if (game_is_over)  restart(startpost = endpost);
if (!isselection() && ispost(i,j)) { message("Select a piece to move."); return; }
if (!ispost(i,j)) { toggle(j); return; };
if (ispost(i,j) && selectedc == j) { message("Move the piece to a different post."); return; }
if (!legalmove(j)) { message("That is not a legal move. Try again."); return; }
move(j); return;

function legalmove(j) {
if (isempty(j)) return true;
return (board[j][topmost(j)] < board[selectedc][selectedr]);

function isselection() {
return selectedc != null;

function toggle( num ) {
var toppos = topmost(num);

if (selectedc == num && selectedr == toppos) {
selectedc = null; selectedr = null;
animate(num,toppos,"disk" + board[num][toppos] + ".gif");
message("Select a piece to move.");
if (isselection()) {
animate(selectedc,selectedr,"disk" + board[selectedc][selectedr] + ".gif");
selectedc = num; selectedr = toppos;
animate(num,toppos,"disk" + board[num][toppos] + "h.gif");
message("Click on the post to which you want to move the disk.");

function move( num ) {
var toppos = (!isempty(num) ? topmost(num) : board[num].length);
board[num][toppos-1] = board[selectedc][selectedr];
board[selectedc][selectedr] = 0;
animate(num,toppos-1,"disk" + board[num][toppos-1] + ".gif");
selectedc = null; selectedr = null;
message("Select a piece to move.");

function hanoi(no_of_disks, start_post, goal_post) {
if (no_of_disks > 0) {
var free_post = all_posts - start_post - goal_post;
hanoi (no_of_disks - 1, start_post, free_post);
show_messages = true;
show_messages = false;
hanoi (no_of_disks - 1 , free_post, goal_post);

function game_over(forceMsg) {
var filledpost = null;
var val = 0;
for (k = 0; k < board.length; k++)  {
val += ( isempty(k) ? 1 : 0 );
if (!isempty(k)) filledpost = k;

if (val == 2 && isempty(startpost)) {
message("You won!", forceMsg);
game_is_over = true;
endpost = filledpost;
return game_is_over;

function Animation() {
this.imageNum = new Array();
this.imageSrc = new Array();
this.frameIndex = 0;      
this.alreadyPlaying = false;

this.getFrameCount = getframecount;
this.moreFrames = moreframes;      
this.addFrame = addframe;      
this.drawNextFrame = drawnextframe;
this.startAnimation = startanimation;

function getframecount() {  return this.imageNum.length; }
function moreframes() {  return this.frameIndex < this.getFrameCount(); }
function startanimation() {
if (!this.alreadyPlaying) {
theAnim.alreadyPlaying = true;

function addframe(num, src) {
var theIndex = theAnim.imageNum.length;
theAnim.imageSrc[theIndex] = src;
theAnim.imageNum[theIndex] = num;

function drawnextframe() {
if (theAnim.moreFrames()) {
document.images[ theAnim.imageNum[theAnim.frameIndex] ].src = theAnim.imageSrc[theAnim.frameIndex];
setTimeout('theAnim.drawNextFrame()', 30);
} else {
theAnim.alreadyPlaying = false;

var theAnim = new Animation();
message("You may begin! Select a piece to move.");
document.disp.message.value = "";

4.- (opcional)

Y una última línea para agradecer a quienes aportan éstos códigos y los difunden libremente:

<font face="arial, helvetica" size="-2">Free JavaScripts provided<br/>
by <a href="">The JavaScript Source</a></font>

El resultado (con unas simples adaptaciones personales) se encuentra aquí:

Espero y les guste el juego.
Seguiremos picando código.

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