Hola desde hace un rato.
Vagando en la web buscando accesorios para una página, encontré el clásico juego de Hanoi en JavaScript y liberado precisamente para ser implementado en cualquier página y/o blog.
La cosa es muy sencilla, aquí van los pasos:
Descargamos unas imágenes que nos servirán para los discos y las torres del juego:
Descargar recursos
Descomprimimos la carpeta y subimos las imágenes a un servidor de alojamiento web; debe ser necesariamente de alojamiento web ya que TODAS las imágenes deben estar dentro del mismo directorio. Por ejemplo, yo usé Webcindario.com y los subí al directorio "http://midominio.webcindario.com/img/hanoi/"
Lo siguiente es, en el cuerpo (body) de la página/blog se copia el siguiente código en donde editarán el valor de la variable imgdir por el de la dirección en la cual subiste las imágenes (Dejo los créditos y Copyright):
<!-- Original: Adam Stock (adam@digital-biz.com) -->
<!-- (c) Copyright 1998-99 Adam L. Stock. All Rights Reserved -->
<!-- You have permission to republish this code provided -->
<!-- that you do not remove this copyright notice -->
// Cambia la dirección por la cual tú subiste las imágenes
imgdir = "
http://midominio.webcindario.com/img/hanoi/ ";
function preload() {
this.length = preload.arguments.length;
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
this[i] = new Image();
this[i].src = imgdir + preload.arguments[i];
var pics = new preload("disk1.gif","disk2.gif",
"disk7.gif","pole.gif", "disk1h.gif","disk2h.gif",
var selectedr = null;
var selectedc = null;
var maxposts = 3;
var maxdisks = 7;
var all_posts = 3;
var startpost = 1;
var endpost = (startpost-1 < 0 ? maxposts-1 : startpost-1);
var disks = 7;
var imgwidth = 160;
var imgheight = 14;
var game_is_over = false;
var show_messages = false;
var board = new Array(maxposts);
board[0] = new Array(maxdisks + 1);
board[1] = new Array(maxdisks + 1);
board[2] = new Array(maxdisks + 1);
function initboard(startpost, disks) {
var len = board[0].length;
selectedc = null;
selectedr = null;
game_is_over = false;
endpost = (startpost-1 < 0 ? maxposts-1 : startpost-1);
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
board[0][i] = 0;
board[1][i] = 0;
board[2][i] = 0;
for (i = len-disks, j = 0; i < len; i++, j++) {
board[startpost][i] = len - j - 1;
function drawall() {
for (j=0; j<board.length; j++) {
for (i=0; i<board[j].length; i++) {
draw(j,i, getName( board[j][i]));
message("You may begin! Select a piece to move.");
function restart(start) {
startpost = start;
disks = document.forms[0].disc.options[document.forms[0].disc.selectedIndex].text;
theAnim = new Animation();
initboard(startpost, disks);
function getName( num ) {
if (num == 0) return "post.gif";
return "disk" + num + ".gif";
function message(str, force) {
if (force || !game_is_over && !show_messages)
document.disp.message.value = str;
function messageadd(str) {
if (!game_is_over)
document.disp.message.value = document.disp.message.value + "\n" + str;
function isempty(num) {
for (i = 0; i < board[num].length; i++) {
if ( board[num][i] != 0) return false;
return true;
function topmost(num) {
for (i = 0; i < board[num].length; i++) {
if (board[num][i] != 0) return i;
return -1;
function ispost(i,j) {
return (board[j][i] == 0);
function istopdisk(i,j) {
return (board[j][i-1] == 0);
function drawboard() {
document.writeln("<h2>The Towers of Hanoi</h2><p>");
document.writeln("<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>");
for (j = 0; j < board.length; j++) {
document.write("<a href='javascript:clicked("+0+","+j+")'><img src='" + imgdir + "posttop.gif' border=0></a><br>");
for (i=0; i< board[0].length; i++) {
document.write("<a href='javascript:clicked("+i+","+j+")'>");
document.write("<img src='" + imgdir + getName(board[j][i]) + "' name='pos"+ j + i + "' border=0><br>");
document.write("<form name='disp'><textarea name='message' wrap=virtual rows=2 cols=40></textarea><br>" +
"Disks: <select name=\"disc\" size=1><option>3<option>4<option>5<option>6<option selected>7</select><input "
+"type=button value=\"Start the Game Over\" onClick=\"restart(startpost);\"><input "
+"type=button value=\"Solve It!\" onClick=\"restart(startpost);setTimeout('hanoi(disks,startpost,endpost)',300)\"></form>");
function draw(x,y,name) {
document.images["pos"+x+""+y].src = imgdir + name;
function animate(x,y,name) {
theAnim.addFrame( "pos"+x+""+y, imgdir + name);
function clicked(i,j) {
document.forms[0].message.focus(); // get rid of annoying outline in MSIE
if (game_is_over) restart(startpost = endpost);
if (!isselection() && ispost(i,j)) { message("Select a piece to move."); return; }
if (!ispost(i,j)) { toggle(j); return; };
if (ispost(i,j) && selectedc == j) { message("Move the piece to a different post."); return; }
if (!legalmove(j)) { message("That is not a legal move. Try again."); return; }
move(j); return;
function legalmove(j) {
if (isempty(j)) return true;
return (board[j][topmost(j)] < board[selectedc][selectedr]);
function isselection() {
return selectedc != null;
function toggle( num ) {
var toppos = topmost(num);
if (selectedc == num && selectedr == toppos) {
selectedc = null; selectedr = null;
animate(num,toppos,"disk" + board[num][toppos] + ".gif");
message("Select a piece to move.");
if (isselection()) {
animate(selectedc,selectedr,"disk" + board[selectedc][selectedr] + ".gif");
selectedc = num; selectedr = toppos;
animate(num,toppos,"disk" + board[num][toppos] + "h.gif");
message("Click on the post to which you want to move the disk.");
function move( num ) {
var toppos = (!isempty(num) ? topmost(num) : board[num].length);
board[num][toppos-1] = board[selectedc][selectedr];
board[selectedc][selectedr] = 0;
animate(num,toppos-1,"disk" + board[num][toppos-1] + ".gif");
selectedc = null; selectedr = null;
message("Select a piece to move.");
function hanoi(no_of_disks, start_post, goal_post) {
if (no_of_disks > 0) {
var free_post = all_posts - start_post - goal_post;
hanoi (no_of_disks - 1, start_post, free_post);
show_messages = true;
show_messages = false;
hanoi (no_of_disks - 1 , free_post, goal_post);
function game_over(forceMsg) {
var filledpost = null;
var val = 0;
for (k = 0; k < board.length; k++) {
val += ( isempty(k) ? 1 : 0 );
if (!isempty(k)) filledpost = k;
if (val == 2 && isempty(startpost)) {
message("You won!", forceMsg);
game_is_over = true;
endpost = filledpost;
return game_is_over;
function Animation() {
this.imageNum = new Array();
this.imageSrc = new Array();
this.frameIndex = 0;
this.alreadyPlaying = false;
this.getFrameCount = getframecount;
this.moreFrames = moreframes;
this.addFrame = addframe;
this.drawNextFrame = drawnextframe;
this.startAnimation = startanimation;
function getframecount() { return this.imageNum.length; }
function moreframes() { return this.frameIndex < this.getFrameCount(); }
function startanimation() {
if (!this.alreadyPlaying) {
theAnim.alreadyPlaying = true;
function addframe(num, src) {
var theIndex = theAnim.imageNum.length;
theAnim.imageSrc[theIndex] = src;
theAnim.imageNum[theIndex] = num;
function drawnextframe() {
if (theAnim.moreFrames()) {
document.images[ theAnim.imageNum[theAnim.frameIndex] ].src = theAnim.imageSrc[theAnim.frameIndex];
setTimeout('theAnim.drawNextFrame()', 30);
} else {
theAnim.alreadyPlaying = false;
var theAnim = new Animation();
message("You may begin! Select a piece to move.");
document.disp.message.value = "";
4.- (opcional)
Y una última línea para agradecer a quienes aportan éstos códigos y los difunden libremente:
<font face="arial, helvetica" size="-2">Free JavaScripts provided<br/>
by <a href="http://javascriptsource.com">The JavaScript Source</a></font>
El resultado (con unas simples adaptaciones personales) se encuentra aquí: http://unrinconenlaweb.blogspot.mx/p/torres-de-hanoi.html
Espero y les guste el juego.
Seguiremos picando código.
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